Don't be intimidated because I'm better than you....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So it’s groundhog day. What if the snow happens again and again, and we relive this day for months? At least I wouldn’t have work. How long until we all stop shoveling?  It’s almost 3:30 which is when I usually head out of work. So far today I’ve shoveled the drive with Dan and managed to shower and change into…pajamas. YAY BLIZZARD!!!
It’s about time winter paid off post Christmas. It’s certainly been awhile.  Lately I’ve been spending these, the coldest days thinking about falling asleep in the sun after a few icy cold drinks. I fell asleep today after shoveling.
Ok, I don’t care that I’m getting wrapped up in the snowpocalypse. This was the biggest snow storm of my lifetime thus far, and possibly ever. It’s funny, Thundersnow 2011 is something we’ll always talk about. Yep, in ten years it’ll be like- remember that storm? And when that girl Elyse started her awesome blog?
I guess I’m getting a little stir-crazy at this point. I’ve checked facebook so many times I’ve developed conspiracy theories about all the status updates coming from robots. I think the thing that tipped me off was when Katie Erk made that update about motor oil being brain food, and here’s the weirdest part, Jeanine hit like! Also Dan is sitting across from me on his computer. If we were in a cartoon he would be turning into French fries.  I really want some French fries. Maybe if I bite him he’ll get me some.

Clever disguise, but you made one big mistake!
Dan turned on ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ because of the snow…and the nerd factor.  I’m just wondering why it’s moments after Darth Vader’s cut Luke’s hand off that he chooses to let him know he’s his dad. It just seems like poor form. What if you were adopted and approached by your birth parents…and after wincing, trying to stay appropriate and hold back your emotions you forced out the word, “D-Dad?” And he was like MACHETE TO THE FOOT!!!! Haha, buzzkill. Sure you met your dad, but you’ll never tap dance again.

I think in order to keep the snow theme going maybe we’ll watch “The March of the Penguins”.  Those penguins had to deal with way worse conditions with no snow pants. Getting caught on Lake Shore Drive would have been a breeze for them.  The best part of that movie is definitely the penguin revolt. They sneak to the igloos and start killing Eskimos with icicles and sweet ninja kicks. Then probably they all turned into French fries, well that’s what would have happened if it were my movie.  I’m available whenever some hot shot producers wanna give me a call. 3 rules, jewfaces, well 4. 1: All your names are now jewface, regardless of background. 2: Nothing in my films can be deemed too offensive or shocking. 3: I will star in all of my films. And 4: Every film will end with all the characters turning into French fries

Speaking of Lake Shore, what the fuck were those people doing driving that late? If I had to get home from the city yesterday at around 2 I’d have been like, screw you guys, I’m going home. I saw footage of them being rescued on snowmobiles this morning. The fuck? Are we in a bad futuristic action movie from the early 90’s? OOO, I should write that. In a world where Thundersnow strikes, one person is brave enough to blog in bears sweatpants. BTDubs, I have two pairs of bears sweatpants, just in case I’ve been wearing bears sweatpants like the last ten times you’ve seen me.  I’m looking in your direction, writing group.
Yes, I’m involved in a writing group now. NERD ALERT! It’s super fun, it’s what’s motivating me to write this blog. Also, this blog takes its username and title from my Xanga because I forgot the Xanga password. Also, I’m lazy.  I hope I can get some French fries without leaving the couch.